The first reviews of Femoir are in and I couldn’t be more grateful for all the fabulous feedback from some fantastic people!
“Absolutely stunning! Mesmerizing. The arrangement compliments her lush and soulful contralto. Well done!” ~ Cassandra Wilson, Vocalist
“With Femoir, Karen Myatt is making music great again. She is, far and away, the best new artist to emerge from Atlantic Canada in recent memory, and this is the finest and most important album to come from Canada’s east coast in a generation.” ~ ArtsEast
“Soulful, smart, spirited, sexy, and sassy…bold and beautiful, Femoir is a masterful and meaningful work of melodic art and Myatt is a musical tour-de-force.” ~ Celtic Life International
“Beautifully produced. Karen has a great vocal. A jazz influence with hints of Kate Bush! Highlight tracks – Another Country, Dancing Barefoot, Femoir, and Jezebel. Sister Moon is also fab!” ~ James Zada, Welsh Producer
“Wow! This is stunning!! Love it! It has everything from moody Celtic soundtrack to smoky jazz feels. I even hear some David Gilmour-esque guitar in there too. Wonderful vocals!” ~ Steve Gibbs, Guitarist
“Wow! What a great achievement! Karen’s voice is strong, clear, and full of color and passion! The arrangements are terrific! The singing, the harmonies, instrumentals…Great! Great! Great! ~ Janice Jackson, Vocalist